Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The puzzle that can never be unraveled

You know what really confuses and frustrates me about this world, all the crap we have to put up with constantly. We either have everything we could possibly ask for, or we have more than enough and are not grateful for it or we live in poverty and fight every day just to make it through another day. 

We have so much loved ones around us yet we feel completely alone as we don't see how another could possibly understand how we feel on the inside, or we have so many fake people around us who only pretend to care, or we literally have no one and learn to be strong enough to make it through on our own, but wish we had just one person to talk to and then a random stranger shows us compassion and we see there really is some humanity out there.

We can be so completely happy with everyone in our lives and have the most perfect life, then we lose someone close to us and it brings down our entire world and changes our view of this world and everything in it in the bigger picture.

The moral is there will always be something that hurts us, but why is this all necessary.. yes the struggles teach us to appreciate all the good, otherwise we would not know how to appreciate all the blessings. 

We really are living in a game, and this is kind of a joke when you think about it. I honestly don't blame those who give up, I can fully understand it..all though it is so sad that they felt they needed to in the first place.

We like to be control freaks in the desire of wanting to help others and reduce there troubles, but the reality is we will never be able to control anyone but ourselves. We can only lead by example and hope that others follow. We all need to turn around and look at ourselves instead of always looking at others faults and blaming them for all that goes wrong, there is always more than one side to a story, whats the point of having regrets, the past can never be changed. We all have it in us to lead peaceful, happy lives but we need to constantly work on ourselves and do what we can to improve any situation we get into from our end first instead of pointing fingers. 

Sometimes we can leave a situation if it doesn't change, but that's not always an option. If this is the case changing your mind set is the only other option, how you react and how you let it make you feel; its all within and that's what we need to learn to control. 

I feel one day I wont be able to talk or express my feelings anymore because I will become so lost for words, this world continues to shock me and I will never be able to comprehend it. You see how I have changed from "we" to "I". This blog is about how I have been feeling, yet I know there will be so many others out there who feel the exact same way.

I just want to say how sorry I am for everyone who is going through terrible struggles and pain right now, but you will make it through because as they say you are only given what you are able to handle. Everyone is in the same boat. People may think you're weird or crazy, but I have understood that everyone will turn crazy at one point in their lives because this world is a craz in itself, you would be the weird one for not losing the plot once in a while. I wouldn't call it crazy either, I would call it trying to grasp an understanding of why things happen the way they do in the puzzle that can never be unraveled. 

My advise, just breath through the rough times and feel what you need.. it will pass, worship all the beautiful moments of life, never hold any anger or grudges, let those who differ from your beliefs be, you can't change them so just accept them and move on. 

Start to only see the beauty in others or think why they may behave the way they do. There is always a reason for everything so don't be so quick to judge. 

I wrote this for personal therapy to make myself feel better and I must say it has helped. I don't feel weird to share this with you all because I know we are all going through times like this at some stage. I mostly am very happy and love my beautiful life and all the lovely people close to me. It just hurts me when I feel I could fix everything if others would just let me, but that's okay its not in my hands. 

A few last words to finish up..

Stay kind, calm and compassionate, and always put yourself in others shoes before you judge. Yes important to fight for number one first, but keep others in mind also. 

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