Valentines day is just round the corner, millions of couple's around the world are looking forward to this special day to express their love for one another, to surprise their significant other with roses and chocolates, but what significance does this day truly have if one does not love them self first.
Yes being loved by another can give you a wonderful feeling, but until you love yourself completely you will always feel empty and incomplete. Before even thinking of celebrating the love of your relationship with someone (whether it be your partner or your best friend) you must celebrate the relationship you share with yourself, it is the most personal relationship you will ever have, and it is this relationship that requires the most nourishment and nurturing (on a day-by-day bases).
Loving yourself can start by loving and respecting the body you live in.
It is so important to take care of the body you have, because as you know you have only been given one in this life time. Drinking plenty of water the moment you wake up is a simple step you can take to nourish your body and pamper yourself. When you drink water you are rewarding yourself with energy for the day, you are telling your body how much love you have for it and how thankful you are for all the hard work your body does each moment of the day just so you can simply live.
Aside from drinking water there is so many other things your can do daily to love yourself; eat healthy, but also indulge in junk food once in a while; why deprive yourself from delicious goodness.
I know eating healthy can sometimes be hard for the mind to comprehend, but it is all down to changing your mindset. Think if I eat healthy I am showing my body how much I appreciate it, I am doing myself a favor, each bite I take of this salad is another dose of love I am giving to myself. Over time this kind of mindset will actually excite you to eat healthy.
It is all about keeping a well balanced eating style.
Eating choices aside, regular exercise is a must! Exercising the body does not only keep you fit and lean, but also keeps the mind healthy. I always find a good session at the gym will remove stress from my mind and uplift my spirits.
Healthy mind, healthy body.
I never used to value myself or even love myself as I should have, but over the past few years I learn't a valuable lesson, that it is so important to love who I am. I started reading more, doing exercise more often, spoiling myself with honey oat facials and painting my nails to bring a bit of color into my day. It is all the little things you can do that make a huge difference in how you feel and think of yourself.
Think of it as magic being created inside of you each time you pamper yourself with goodness, magic which will create more goodness in other areas of your life.
Remember to love yourself first before you can love another.
You are number one priority always.
Action for the day:
Today write up a to-do list of what you will do to show yourself how much you love YOU!
Here is my list:
1) Meditate
2) Have a berry/banana green smoothie
3) Have a workout at the gym
4) Read my Audrey Hepburn book
5) Go for a relaxing drive
6) Drink plenty of water
7) Watch the latest episode of Heart of Dixie
8) Prepare my lunch for work tomorrow (Fill it with protein and vegetables)
Lets do this!
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