Saturday, 14 March 2015

Create the life you want through your actions

Life is going to be tough here and there, it's been designed that way by the creator. In the hardest of times we often put far to much focus on how many struggles we have to face each day and pay to much attention to the things we want to get rid of or want to change. What we may not realize is that by putting focus on the negative things we are feeding into the creation of further horrible things to occur in our life's.

We need to change this, and take our focus elsewhere.

If you want things to change, the bad experiences to disappear and for good things to come you must take actions to make this all possible. Instead of drowning away your sorrows through the consumption of alcohol, drugs and smokes and making life worse for yourself how about doing something that will actually make your wishes come true. 

I have grown up around far too many people who resort to alcohol as a comforter and I never could understand why, why harm yourself that way, why put your mind and body in such a state where you do not even have control over your actions. Is engaging in such activities going to solve all your problems? NO! I know that since I have never felt the need to resort to such methods of relief that I am in no position to understand what it feels like to be driven down this path, however I still feel there are better alternatives out there, which will result in more desirable outcomes.

 Enough of the negative, lets get productive and make life what we want it to be.

Life is meant to be beautiful, appreciated and made the best possible use of. We have a wonderful gift that has been given to every single one of us and that is the opportunity to live a life where we can make our own happiness and encourage the happiness of others.We are all one and all forever connected, that's why I feel the need to support you all and make your realize that you can change your life for the better and find peace/happiness. 

Lets start with an example of a possible struggle one may face and what actions can be taken to remove that struggle and turn it into a blissful experience that was had with the purpose of opening the eyes of the beholder. You are trapped in a job that you absolutely hate, you feel uncomfortable around the people you work with and you spend hours dreading the thought of having to go back to another day of work. You continue to feel this way for many months, before you know it a year has past and you feel like you are stuck in absolute hell. You feel very unhappy in your life and as a result this is affecting other parts of your life, such as your relationships and you feel anxious most of the time and even depressed. 

The obvious answer is to find a new job right? Yes, but it's not as simple as that, especially for someone who is trapped in a state where they are tortured by their own mind. The messages of doubt and insecurities that circle the mind constantly can be very difficult to remove. 

It takes time to make changes in our life's, but starting to begin with will make a bigger difference than you may think. Committing to productive actions daily and over many months will change your life and get you out of that state of mind you dread so much. You may think this constant pain in my head will never leave, this feeling that my brain is being squeezed is here to stay, but I know as a person who has experienced this torture for 2 years non-stop that one day it will disappear and you will be free and feel peace again. You need to leave the bad things behind and take the time to work on self development, nothing else matters but your own happiness. All will be well in good time.

Start taking action today, start small and work your way up :).

I have mentioned this in my previous posts, but I will say it again, meditation is something I highly recommend, it is actually the very activity that released my mind from hell and made me feel the love of the entire universe inside of me and all around me. So cheesy, but the truth. I also recommend regular exercise. Exercise helped relax my mind and release stress. 

Actions I took and still take to improve my life:
1) Daily meditation. 
2) Daily exercise.
3) Making sure I have fruit,vegetables and protein everyday, and plenty of water.
4) Plan lots of fun activities to do with friends over the weekends.
5) Have me time where I can reflect and decide what I can do next to make a difference to my own life and others.
6) Be grateful every moment I can be. (I write down ten things I am grateful for each day and give thanks)
7) Breath in fresh air from outdoors and treat it as the greatest luxury.
9) Trying new experiences and making myself get out of my comfort zone.
10) Loving who I am and being my number one cheerleader.

This is what I found was helpful for me, try thinking of a list of actions you could take to help your situation.

We must always remember to keep hope, and know we can handle everything that comes at us, and that we have it in us to be brave and strong.  No matter what battle or battles you are currently going through know that every other living creature out there is going through a troublesome time of their own. Even though we may feel alone in our painful times we actually are all going through this together and use that very thought as encouragement to step up and change something about this picture, and by doing so you will help someone else to the same simply by bringing out your own happiness. 

Make the world a happier place simply by being happier yourself. 

Saturday, 7 March 2015

There will come a time where you will feel lost

Lately I have been feeling quite lost in the daily routine of life and will find myself in a moment where I think to myself what is the purpose of all of this, why is time passing so fast and  why do I feel like I am wasting so much of it working when I could be traveling the world and making wonderful discoveries.

I have this confusion and these questions running through my mind, but then my mind comes back to the reality that I must work and live this structured life in order to make my dreams come true; the sad reality is that work equals money and money helps create most dreams. I do love my job, but sometimes I just need a break, I need me time! I have realized that I do tend to have a busy week as a result of work and some form of exercise after work and then on the weekends I catch up with a whole bunch of friends and run around doing all sorts of errands that I do not get a chance to do during the working week and then before I know it I end up having no down time, or time with myself and it is time to go back to a new week of work again.

I find myself doing things that are less kind to my mind and body in the craziness of this busy life style. I read less, I meditate less and when I do my mind is drifting off instead of being present in the moment....Being present in the moment is very hard in this day of age I find, and that's my main concern, it is so important to be present; the future and past is not here so why drift off into a place that isn't even existent right now.

I want to appreciate life like a did a few weeks ago, not be afraid to try new things, make amazing memories, read more, extend my mind and educate it further. I know this is a battle that will come and go just like every other battle each of us may face, the only way is to keep on working on our individual battles each day and when we get to a place that we feel we are progressing along, feel gratitude for that moment. As long as we are doing the best we can do at the time, that is more than enough.

This post has been very therapeutic for me and I feel much better, less lost and back on my path. I really need to make a new book purchase, reading does amazing things for the mind and a great brain exercise.

My goals for the up coming week are to:
-Meditate each day and be as present as I possibly can be.
-Read each day, even if a few chapters of a book or a blog post or article.
-Go outside and inhale and exhale 10 breaths of fresh air daily.
-Drink 5 bottles of water per day.
-Exercise each day, either go to the gym or for a brisk walk.
-Be grateful every moment I can be.
-Have more faith in myself.

Life can take you away a million times, but as long as you bring yourself back every time you will still be alive and free to live the life you choose.